A Surprising Fish

A Surprising Fish

Thursday, March 3, 2011

When people realize they can step out their homes, ask for change

There are so many lines to cross tonight from private to public, religious to political, at home to world wide.  The title comes from Wadan Khanfar, Director General of AlJeerza News.  This is an Arab based news program that has provided the world with honest reporting and critique, something NONE of our U.S. based news organizations have done for we are so corrupt, or narrow-minded in our views, or so sure (arrogant) of our viewpoints, or determined to protect our interests (read oil & money).  We forget our own country's history at our peril.
Remember one of your first U.S. history classes?  The American Revolution?  We are beneficiaries of a revolution, just like the one in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, et al.  We had 'Protesters' throwing the ruling governments' products (tea) into the Boston Bay.  We took up arms against the ruling class.  We crossed the line of 'civil' and created an incredibly beautiful country with its own set of problems.  (another post.)
  What we are witnessing is the movement toward enlightenment, as our Historians named it now in the Middle East.  As Christians we have to acknowledge and repent of the Crusades, that time BEFORE education took hold and we thought our way was the only way.  There were no TV cameras, no Internet, Twitter, You Tube, to capture our brutality.  But it resides in our bones.  We know we participated in repression, harm and violence.  We cannot segregate our selves from our history.
  We can confess, ask forgiveness and stand in solidarity for justice and peace for our neighbors.  Especially our Muslim neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa who are fighting for their very lives and the future for their children.  These people are not terrorists; they are mourners who long for the very freedoms we have of stepping out of our homes and asking for change.
  Does the Koran demand blood?  Does the Koran demand allegiance as the only way?
Does the Bible demand blood?  Does the Bible demand allegiance as the only way?
Who decides?

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