A Surprising Fish

A Surprising Fish

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why I Love Design

Every season offers its own rewards and challenges, look at Nature. So it is with the rhythm of our lives, day in, day out, year in, year out. What better way to inscribe our lives than in the tactical details--a chair, a painting, a dish, a meal, a glass of wine more than $10? We are gifted to create, explore, generate and design our lives in the material world. We need mentors, totems, guides who invite us to go this way or that way, to see with a new eye, the very Nature that surrounds us. It is called wisdom, renewal of knowledge deeply buried in the sinews of our bones that echoes down the hallways, across the floors, through the living and dining rooms to the kitchens of our hearts. Beauty lingers inviting us to sumptuous feasts of the eye, the tongue and the soul. Design gives us the structure and details to breathe amongst all that overwhelms our senses and understanding. So should I win the Dyson from Dwell magazine? Who knows, but I was struck by the connection between wisdom, defined as renewed knowledge, overwhelming beauty and design, holding the space for breath.